Monday, May 12, 2014

All joy lies in but your Love of It.

Joy Schultz
Joy Schultz 4:56pm May 12
I love you with all my heart

only the relaxed eye
can see


to fit into the lens,
when you are already there
in the mirror

you can not change the reflection

you can
love it

when you realize
trying to change the mirror
is absolutely hopeless

fingers on glass
can not ever find a person
to touch

images in mind can not
find a person to touch

how can such a non-entity,
what isn't, change?!

do you see the insanity
and why it hurts
to identify
with a "life"
that literally runs
on this confusion,
believing what is impossible?

Only Love is your Power--
All of It

the mirror can not be changed, Loves.
this work you look upon
is a weapon,
poison to your heart,
if for one moment
you believe
your joy lies in its change

how long will you suffer, little one?

i love you more than i can tell,
and will but you see now
the simplest, most obvious fact.

you can not change the mirror

All joy lies in but your Love of It.

Rest, darling, your weary, weary
from this game of death--
complete refusal
to see the simplest truth.

Be saved now
from all future pain
in this one simple fact.

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