Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A True Prosperity - A Consciousness of God

Thought For the Week: Rev. Ed Kosak
We are in the midst of a series on Sundays called "Quantum Economics"a personal and societal quest to use quantum mechanics (God!) to gain true prosperity (a consciousness of God!). As we have stated many times, things and stuff are not bad, in fact they are to be enjoyed and relished! AND...there is a balance to be achieved. We find it in our best interest to not become over attached to things and stuff as they are not ultimately fulfilling and can be distracting. Here is some wisdom that comes from the very respected Neale Donald Walsch and someone I don't know about, John Ruskin:
"...every increased possession loads us with a new weariness."

John Ruskin said that, and he was right. Life is not
about our physical or material possessions, it is about
the Agenda of our Soul. When material possessions
serve that agenda, they can be wonderful and are to
be celebrated. But if they come between us
and the soul, then we may very well be delayed
on our holy journey.

Our journey is the path back to peace, to harmony,
to deep inner joy, to love, and to God.
What do you think?

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