Saturday, May 3, 2014

20 days of silence with Vipassana Meditation and Metta Prayer

I had a lovely experience on my 20-day course... though hard to describe... so subtle. There were only 20 students - 7 men and 13 woman. It was so quiet. There was an empty room between each of the student's rooms, also to insure quiet. The psychic quietness really made a difference for me. The 20-day course had very serious, advanced students... and what a difference! I told T. it was as if we'd graduated from sitting with the curiosity seekers to sitting with yogis in caves. It was our first 'long course'... so now we know why. They are intense... but so worth it. I had a deeply inspiring epiphany on day 16... and realized that I could not have reached that place were it not for the 16 days of silence that preceded it. I feel deeply grateful and blessed to have had the 20-day experience.   Metta, J.

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