Sunday, April 27, 2014

You are in a State of Grace forever

Photo: @ Spirit is in a state of grace forever.  Your reality is only spirit.  Therefore, you are in a state of grace forever @


Love a lot from ACIM especially this, now just tear out those pages demonizing the ego and dismissing our body, and the duality of reality vs. Reality!
Ron Alexander Some More Wisdom Gems from ACIM which have really helped me: Love is the Essence of my Being, Need do nothing, In my defenselessness, my safety lies. Love is letting go of fear. And many more, thanks Mary Rose!
Mary Rose Exactly, I've studied it since 1983 and truly I think after that long (oops I'm young right Ron LOLOL) it is a part of my DNA and I welcome its comfort, its teachings, its glory in the spirit and its honor for all of life period... yes truly I am thankful for ACIM AND all the wonderful people, like you and Cheril King-Goodrich who have come into my life as a result of the teachings... truly I a blessed with your presence & those like minded who follow the course Ron. Thank you for your friendship in my heart


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