Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why Has Loving Kindness Meditation(Metta Prayer) become so important to me?

I really think one of my biggest problems has been toxic thinking leading to poisonous feelings. Such as self-worth issues, being told early that I am not good enough, lazy, no good, will never make it. However, I know many acquaintances who have this issue, and observe many children still suffering from getting this kind of verbal abuse from their parents in the name of discipline even to the point of physical abuse - "spare the rod, spoil the child". The Dalai Lama was astonished when he found out that we did not treat our children as little Gods and Goddesses. So I think lack of self - love is a cultural epidemic.
I have found that the better I treat myself the better I treat others. So my goal is to rid myself of toxic thinking with the resulting poisonous feelings of anger, hatred that leads to separation, loneliness and despair. "Authentic happiness can only come from the long-term cultivation of wisdom, altruism and compassion, and from the eradication of mental toxins such as hatred, grasping and ignorance." Matthier Ricard author of WHY MEDITATE.
The more I sit with meditations of Loving Kindness, the more I experience peace, joy and love. Boundless unconditional LOVE starting with thyself is very potent. "A story about Abraham Lincoln illuminates the Power of Love: During the Civil War, Lincoln had occasion at an official reception as to refer to Southerners as erring human beings, rather than enemies to be exterminated. An elderly lady who was a fiery patriot rebuked him for speaking kindly of his enemies when he ought to be thinking of destroying them. Lincoln replied, 'Madam, do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?' (King1981, 55) An ancient proverb from the Buddhist text the Dhammapada reflects a similar sentiment: 'Hatred never ceases by hatred; it only ceases by love. This is a timeless truth.'" Stahl and Goldstein: A MINDFULNESS-BASED STRESS REDUCTION WORKBOOK
As Christians, Jesus was very clear - LOVE THY ENEMIES! I have found recently that as my happiness increases, and being grateful for that fact, I am grateful to anyone, including those who abused me, for helping me reach this point now.        Ron Alexander
Cheryl Lynn started learning this lesson when i was in a shelter ... had just found out i was ill, the man i adored was lying and cheating for a long time, lost house, job ... started working with an oji-cree elder who said to me ... you need to go to the water, put your tobacco in and say a prayer of gratitude for the one who molested you ... my first response was ... excuse me... what ... then he asked me .. what did that teach you ... realized that it taught me many things ... strength, independence, knowing i could always take care of me ... through our many talks i learned forgiveness and gratitude ... he also spoke about past traumas that have persisted through families and that sometimes the reason things happen to you is that you are finally the one in that family line who will have the strength to stop the cycle ... have a wonderful day Ron and thanks for all the great shares
Elena Salvador shared your photo: "If there was abuse,


but, leave.

Don't stay in an abusive relationship.

Have a place of your own.


CLAIM BACK your life.

Love yourself.

KNOW yourself.

BREAK the cycle of abuse.


SERVE humanity.

That will help you heal faster.


Remain in your peace."
Ron Alexander thank you so much Elena Salvador, as far as I am concerned, the abuse happened long ago mostly, however the voices are still in my psyche. The Loving Kindness Meditation and prayers are really helping me eradicate those self-abusive voices and come to unconditional love of self, so I can unconditionally love others. Plus the gratitude I have for where I am, really helps me to forgive the abusers! I appreciate your consideration so much though, and I hope this helps others a lot!
Ron Alexander Hey Cheryl Lynn, yes Native American Healers have really helped me also, yet it is Loving Kindness meditation and prayer that helps me NOW!

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