Thursday, April 3, 2014

What do you consider the most important in life?

What do consider the most important in life?feeling happy.

Tammy Priddy Bennett Being your true self, All Ways

    • Ron Alexander Tammy Priddy Bennett, I have been reading about The Dude - remember Jeff Bridges acting? He is a long-time meditator, as was his Mother. He stated "Always hold true to your own perception. Your own self is your main teacher. I have a lot of different feelings about my laziness. Sometimes I enjoy it, kind of like the Dude". He also uses laziness as an excuse for never formally becoming a Buddhist.

      Ron Alexander Valerie Stiehl: here is Jeff Bridges statements about giving and receiving love - asked about a meditation teacher:"...I don't have a formal meditation. Everybody I come into contact with is my teacher. Other actors are certainly my teachers. One of the cool things about acting is to realize how accessible love is. You can invest a person, another actor, as your love. I'm familiar with that feeling--I have this tight, strong relationship with my own wife. One of the reasons I have been married so long is that she encouraged my art and my intimacy with other people. It's important it's not sexual--that can throw a wrench into the works. But when you get two people (on a set) opening their hearts to each other, that feeling of compassion and understanding is really accessible and quite deep. And the flip side is also true, of fear.

      Tammy Priddy BennettRon, my feeling is that my true self is the spark of The One who observes for the experience of knowing itself more. The more I Am myself the more I connect with that pure vibration of The One and ultimately me, embracing my ego and yet not allowing it
      to consume the spark of The One within me. When I slow down and focus only on love I feel, I tune in more and more deeply with The One spark and this experience of life or focus, as I call it, becomes a lovely play in which I get to participate and sometimes feel so deeply it becomes real. ....Yup that pretty much sums it up. HA! So I think what you call laziness is fantastic, I prescribe to no doctrine as that becomes a belief which can become a thought balanced by a lie. When I come to a place of belief and realize it, I know that's when I have to bussed it up and experience something new. I like having ideas. Hehe!


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