Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Flowers Symbolizing a Rejuvenating Power

Rodolfos Eleftheriadis - April's first wildflowers scatter smiles of welcome to the new spring in our lives. Let us open wide heart and mind to welcome it properly within us. To be filled with the rejuvenating power for a new beginning. A new start with the strength and creativity of rebirth for a better tomorrow. -Rodolfos
Rodolfos Eleftheriadis: Ron Alexander ~ You receive the aroma of rebirth, dear Ron! Enjoy the Light!!!
Cheryl Lynn beautiful ... we are finally getting spring here in the north ... yesterday out in sunshiny weather in a tshirt ... it was glorious ... still got a lot of snowbanks still 5 - 6 ft high but can finally see the grass again and little green shoots appearing in the front flower bed ... today is raining but supposed to end by this aft ... then sunshine for a few days (or so the weather person says lol) ... so looking forward to being able to go sit down by the water again ... good book, good coffee, my tablet to take pics ... ahhhhh loving the change of seasons in all areas of life ... good morning brother Ron .... have a most excellent day
Ron Alexander Another Divinely Timed Message by my dear Sister Cheryl Lynn - I am going through some big changes now, and I will relate them to you soon, I appreciate you so much - To be filled with the rejuvenating power for a new beginning. A new start with the strength and creativity of rebirth for a better tomorrow. -Rodolfos~* 


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