Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spirit -"Find Peace and everything will fall into place."

Spirit always trumps ego :-)}

Ron Alexander Can you be a "victim of your ego"? It is not the "devil", and even if it was, can you be a "victim of the devil"?
Raymond Krmaschek III only if you can't control it Ron

Ron Alexander Thanks Raymond, if conscious, isn't there a choice?

  • Raymond Krmaschek III always a choice as we are to maintain power over our ego.

    Ron Alexander Thanks again Raymond, sometimes I like to think of the "ego" as an inner child that sometimes needs discipline and boundaries. And we don't want to see it as our "enemy", even if we do, don't we want to "love our enemies"?
    Raymond Krmaschek III of course and ego if controlled can give us that power.Ron
    Ron Alexander "ego if controlled can give us that power." that is profound and I will ponder on it awhile. I really appreciate your responses Raymond!


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