Thursday, April 10, 2014

Profound Look At What is Presence

A few words for the wordless...

The felt sense of being alive, of existing, here and now. The living field of "I Am" that has never come or gone, of which even "I Am" is a translation by mind. Thoughts, sensations, feelings, sounds, smells, ever-changing states, all kinds of experiences both mundane and profound, have all come and gone, but your Presence has never come or gone, ...appeared or disappeared. The silent unchanging backdrop to all experience, the vast ocean of You, constant and steady amidst all the arising and dissolving of the waves of the world. You, in the most intimate sense of the word. You, as you have always known yourself, closer than breathing. The You that was present when you took your first breath, present when you take your last breath, present on every in-breath and every out-breath. Present as you took your first steps, present as you take your last. Present on your first day of school, your wedding day, and as you held your grandfather's hand for the last time. You, prior to even the word "you". Unknowable by thought, unable to be conceptualised, and yet the one thing you've always known more deeply that you've known anything. The You that you recognise in everyone you meet. The condition by which you've known anything at all. Undoubtable, since even doubt is allowed to come and go.
 That which you have always sought, that which has been present throughout all your seeking and suffering and longing for union. The unchangeable in the midst of the constant change of life. Your true home, your most profound sense of rest, your beloved.

And even these words disappear... leaving only...............
Stop waiting for happiness. It’s Now. Discover the natural happiness that you are, the in-built contentment that doesn’t depend on the content of your life, the profound calm in the midst of the storm. Here’s an invitation to rest deeply…news_ jeff’s new book ‘falling in love with where you are now...

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