Saturday, April 5, 2014

More on loving "ego" or at least taking it lightly

Mary Rose: Yes, create, don't copy, good day my wonderful brother
Ron Alexander: Mother Mary Rose, please elucidate on your statement above please? You don't mind me sharing your wonderful messages do you?
Mary Rose: No please do share Ron, that is wh
at we are yes? We want people to be "in spirit" yes, aka "inspired" yes?
Mary Rose: Elucidate statement, when we are in a feeling place of security, comfort and love, we are in a place of creativity yes? It is our connection to the divine source of all that is and ever was and ever will be correct?
I have studied the works of Walter Russell, he likes to say Ron, that the ego copies, the soul creates
Ra Divakar: The "ego" is an instrument of the "soul". We need both, as long as we are in our bodies. Sharing this one, thanks Creative Mary Rose and Brother Ron!

Ron Alexander Thanks for being part of this valuable dialogue Mother Mary Rose and Brother Ra!
Ra Divakar Mary Rose: Brother Ra, to me the ego is a BY PRODUCT of fear, I have no use for fear in my life ever... I understand that danger is real, fear is an illusion that the ego uses to manipulate and control I believe, yes interesting discussion and it opens all our hearts..
Thank you for including me, I am honored to share with you both always

Ra Divakar Hate to disagree with such a beautiful well meaning Mary Rose, however, just as we need our body to be present here on Earth, we need our ego. Now there is harm in an unbalanced ego - either weak or too strong. Freud invented this whole concept - the id(our survival mechanism), which does keep us out of danger with fear when needed), then the ego is the "conscious" connection between the "snake brain - id" and our Higher Self - the Super Ego. So to even be here on fb doing the best we can, we need "pride" - "the ego" - and beautiful egos are the ones that I feel inspired by - the weak sense of self people many times become egotists just to try to compensate. We do need to be aware of our ego to make sure it is balanced, so we can have the equanimity we need to be peaceful here on earth. All of these concepts go out the window and the body once we leave our bodies behind! Mystics like you and Ron do sense Spirit beyond our pride (our ego and our id - fear) and that is a wonderful Place to be - HEAVEN ON EARTH!
Ra Divakar's photo.
UH OH, Being aware of ego is what Eckhart Tolle finally agreed to - sometimes I just like to view is as a little child to watch - can be naughty and needs to definitely kept in line. However, we don't want to hate it, as hate is a toxin in our bodies. Mary Rose, you know I studied ACIM with Dr. Bill Thetford who was the man who asked Helen for it and then made sure she was recorded and scribed. He was way beyond "concepts" and told us to "tear out those pages" in the otherwise very valuable ACIM when concepts and even the "body" was dialogued in group. He was definitely in Bliss - HEAVEN ON EARTH, and soon left his body behind after telling a friend, "I have never felt so free." Remember no part of us is junk!


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