Tuesday, April 15, 2014

If you missed 2014 first total eclipse and Blood Moon - Here it is!

On Tuesday, April 15, skywatchers around the world were treated to 2014's first total lunar eclipse -- and the resulting "blood moon" was quite a thriller. Why "blood?" During the eclipse, the moon's hue ranges from bright orange to blood red, thanks to sunlight that seeps through the Earth's atmosphere onto the moon's face.
The eclipse, which peaked at 3 a.m. EDT, was visible from most of North and South America. It was the first of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, called a 'tetrad,' between April 2014 and September 2015.
If you missed the sky's show, find a stunning recap below:
Here's a time-lapse of the whole event.
Stabilized blood moon eclipse
This is the view of the blood moon from University of Arizona's Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter.

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