Monday, April 21, 2014

Grouchy to Problem-solving in mindfulness

Woke up feeling grouchy this morning with leaking toilet, so "this too shall pass" LIKE- "There are no aberrations in your life - only never-ending opportunities to re-focus on your path, to remember who you truly are with even greater conviction, to take this precious and fragile life moment by moment, and sink ever more deeply into gratitude and wonder." thanks via Susan

The disasters, catastrophes, tragedies and shocks in your life were not mistakes, failures, or punishments from the universe. The universe does not reward or punish - it does not play by dualistic human rules. These times of difficulty were wake-up calls, and they caused you to slow down, take stock of your life, stop distracting or numbing yourself, and ask... profound and often difficult questions about reality. They caused you to re-focus on what really mattered to you, to re-commit to your path of curiosity and never-ending exploration of form.

Without the challenges you experienced, without the crises you came through, without the pain you felt, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no real understanding of the impermanence of things, and you would still believe on some level that the ego reigned supreme. Your pain exposed the lies of the supremacy of the ego and the illusion of control. Your struggles saved you from hardening into a solid 'me', from becoming something you could never be.

There are no mistakes, no 'problems' at all in this perspective, only challenges, wake-up calls, and times of great uncertainty; only circumstances that are desperately longing for your kind attention and loving presence. There are no aberrations in your life - only never-ending opportunities to re-focus on your path, to remember who you truly are with even greater conviction, to take this precious and fragile life moment by moment, and sink ever more deeply into gratitude and wonder.

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