Friday, April 18, 2014

Greatest Gain can be During Most Difficult Time

The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one's life. Through a difficult period you can learn; you can develop inner strength, determination, and courage to face the problems.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama(
I have not been relating here about the mello(not so mellow)drama I have been going through the last couple of weeks, suffice to say it is a big reason I am selling my sailboat. I am still recovering, and I am not ready to tell my story. However, I have learned and gained a lot of inner strength from it.

Wayne Waller These experiences resolve insight revealing transcendent wisdom

    Valerie Stiehl BLESSINGS.....

    Mary Rose

    Angie Pennington We are all "undergoing"/ through coming , Dear Ron My boat is the cherished home where I birthed two of my four children...

    And there was a lovely notion of one day experiencing your and others'sailing skills aboard VOB.

    Something finer will present itself _/|\_
    All Love, Dear Friend xxxx

    Dean A. Banks When you have to sell your wings or your sails it is time to reflect on the journey you have traveled. The wind is still there; the passion to feel the wind beneath your wings or in your sails is still there; the joy of soaring above all else or moving briskly through the waters will always be there. It is a time to feel the feelings; set a new course; and let the stars guide your way. Who you are is greater than any perception of who you are; what has come against you will never change the voyager that you are within. Set sail on a new course that will bring you full circle into the joy of being you. Peace, my dear brother. You have endured more than most and you are alive to feel that inner joy. You are blessed

  • Theda Parks So sorry for any difficulties you experienced. Hopefully, we come out of these situations better, rather than bitter. Blessings. XO

    Ron Alexander Thanks so much, I was upset for one big reason, this episode cost me so much money, that I could not be at Omega this week studying with a meditation master. However, the blessing has been a self-publishing conference here, that I attended(the whole conference cost $400) the last day of and got the card of an author's rep. Also, I found out that I could order the DVD's at There are 2 authors around here who have become best sellers through e-self-publishing. One of them used to live on boat near mine! Angie Pennington, Wayne Waller, Mary Rose, Dr. Dean A. Banks, Theda Parks, etc.

    Mary Rose I sure understand what your saying Ron, (I think) in this post and the others. I have been experiencing much of lifes dynamics too myself. I am glad for you that it all worked out ok... Much love, we are stronger than we think, I continuously tell myself that and I'm telling everyone

    Life is in the moment right?

  • Ron Alexander Mary Rose, yes, thank you, I was enthusiastically involved in learning Loving Kindness Meditation, while this was happening, so I was sending the "pirate" all this loving kindness, while it was going on and thanks to mindfulness itself, I was able to keep my equanimity through the whole sordid episode. I am going to write about this on another post, thanks so much for your inspirational support dear Mary!

    Mary Rose My pleasure Ron >3
    Ron Alexander Space of Peace - how to not react is subject of what I learned from this melodrama, and will write about it soon.


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