Friday, April 25, 2014

Forgiving People Who I felt betrayed me is difficult...

However, the most effective way for me is to see them as innocent.

 "Forgive them for they know not what they do."

Every relationship you have where there is unforgiveness can be healed, if you are willing to see the innocence in the other person.                                                                                       Marianne Williamson

I see L., B., M., L.S., J. F., J. A., R. as innocent and doing the best they can under the circumstances.

Evelyn Leonard Wright But for me, I feel like the knowledge is an important part of the process...but then, the time comes when you have to let your heart heal...and that happens by having the wisdom to let it go...
Evelyn Leonard Wright's photo.


Cheryl Lynn one of the most selfish acts you can do ... forgiveness .. never for them .. always for us to heal ... find that forgiving self is the hardest ... great exercise i came across from iyanla vanzant ... i will try to find and share with you ... Ron ... filled with much love, laughter and seeing through eyes of the heart
Ron Alexander Thanks dear Sister Cheryl Lynn, I really appreciate you and looking forward to quote from Iyanla!

  • Terry Reed-Martin I heard someone say once that forgiveness is, " letting go of the idea that the past could hav ever been any different. " that is true release....just sayin
    Jeannie Mitchell

    Jeannie Mitchell Always forgive for we have been where they are, blessed we no longer are and to forgive releases us never knowing we were a prisoner xx

  • Lorane Jeanveau
  • Betty Allgrim Aww. Right in the feels. Thank you for this early bday gift.



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