Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Early Days Working with Byron Katie

Thanks for allowing me to join this page. I was blessed to have worked with Katie in her early days at Barstow, when she was first starting out. Actually, I became one of her first counselors - part of a group that experienced a 7.8 quake in the Mojave Desert. Quite a jolt, I was co-leading a group who were camping out. Another group stayed in the Holiday Inn. I was rather enjoying the shaking in my sleeping bag, when my co-counselor, warned that we had better get everybody u...p, and aware of a possible chasm opening up underneath us. It turned out to be very local, thankfully - a train was thrown off its tracks and the students in the Motel were more shaken up than ourselves. Katie's work continues to be invaluable to me here in the Southeast - Charleston, S. C. to be exact. She has many fans out here, as we managed to get her out this way twice. Please give her my loving respect, Ron Alexander P.S. I hope to be in California this summer, and plan to do some more WORK
    Joy Schultz I LOVE to hear "stories" about the early days! Thanks for sharing...would love to hear more anytime...
    Ron Alexander Great Joy Schultz, Katie gathered a group of us - counselors, therapists, writers,"new age" theologists, philosophers, dharma bums etc. in her big Barstow compound to help her explore her "revolutionary" ideas and to put them in a language that would be therapeutic and easily understood by most people. From all over the world, it was an exciting and healing time.

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