Monday, April 14, 2014

Deep Wisdom

Deep Wisdom by Subodh Kumar Misra
We deduce everything on the basis of the waking state and forget that dream state and deep sleep state, equally, contribute towards our contemplation of Truth. Even, the latter two states are analyzed in the waking state, though deep sleep state and dream state has the same reality, while we are in it. We must clearly know who the ‘I’ in us is. Until we succeed in knowing who I am, it is difficult... to envisage the nature of God or the nature of the world or anything else. We presume that ‘I’ is the body and the mind, which is not. This body and mind exist only during the waking state. In the dream state, we have another body and mind. In the state of deep sleep state, even body and mind are not there; but we exist without them and nobody has ever complained that he felt pain in the state of deep sleep or he existed only partially there, as he feels, sometimes, in the waking or dream states. How do we expect to solve the problems of life if we conclude everything in relation to waking state only. ALL is expansion of ‘I’ and any startling coincidence is the proximity to Divinity i.e. Real ‘I’. .. …………………Om Shanti!

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