Sunday, April 27, 2014

Death by Suicide - forgiveness

So sorry to hear that dear P., however at age 96, I wonder if one has earned the right to do what  (s)he wants in life/death. Also, dementia may have something to do with it?
 Whatever, I am sure this does not help in grief over his demise, and I will pray for your dad, you and his girlfriend especially! The main thing is to be extra gentle with your Dad, his girlfriend and especially your precious self, lots of loving kindness sent, ron

Such a loving response. Thank you Ron.

Dearest P.
Our thoughts and prayers go with you and your family. We see you wrapped in God's presence, the comforting arms embracing you all and givng you all the strength you need during this challenging time. You and your family are lights to the world, salt for the earth. and we see your grandfather in his ongoing spiritual journey in God's arms as well.
Love you much,
Dearest ......,

 My precious sister I am so sorry for you. 
I will try to rejoice with you in days to come that your beloved grandad is back in pure positive energy, but I know the sadness you must be feeling at this sudden loss.
 I have lost loved ones to suicide. The confusion and sad feelings were for me overwhelming.
However, after studying Abraham teachings, I understand that all death is by choice. Your granddaddy just made his choice more visible.
Perhaps in time you and your dad will be comforted knowing that granddaddy could end his life on his own terms and not have to put himself or his family thru any more pain.
I see him and all of you in the perfect loving light of God's arms.
Please know that your Unity family is here for you and we love you all and pray the perfect peace that passes all understanding, you are so loved.
Blessings of peace and comfort,


Beautiful, thanks C. for sharing with all of us. I am very fatigued this AM and may not make meeting today - love and blessing to you all. And one thing is, if anyone is angry at your grandfather, which is a natural reaction in grief, remember his pure innocence! "Every relationship you have where there is unforgiveness can be healed, if you are willing to see the innocence in the other person." Marianne Williamson


As you know,I am struggling with my own issues surrounding suicide and a loved one.Nevertheless, both C's words and Ron's word resonate with me.. I know you are a very strong lady and will come out of this event with even more strength,love, wisdon,and fortitude to spread your knowledge and kindness with others. Without a doubt, you and your family are in my prayers.

Dear, dear Ron,

It was a joy to share time with you at Earth Day yesterday!  Thanks for your kind, loving message to C. and P.  We will miss you today.  Please take good care of your good self.  Know that I am holding the high watch for you and for the sale of your boat.  You are a man of such integrity.  Please let me know how it went yesterday with the potential buyer.  This or something better is  my affirmation for you.

Love, peace, joy, grace, prosperity, wisdom, strength, and all that nourishes and supports your beautiful spirit, 

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