Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Checking in at the check out line

Rev. Edwin Kosak, Charleston Unity
Thought For the Week
Because I mention him so much, you can tell I am a fan of Rev. Barry Dennis. He blessed us big time a few weeks ago. Here's another "Barryism": "check out means check in". When we feel like checking out somehow we need to check in. Example: when we're waiting in line at the check out stand of a grocery store, or whatever, it's time to check in with the now moment. Am I bored? Am I frustrated? Am I judging the guy who has 50 items in the 20 item line? Am I feeling pretty good about this? Example: when we feel like checking out by escaping from a problem, we need to check inside to take care of the angst going on inside, with whatever IS.
We can find bliss by accepting what is, (that "stupid" check out line) and being mindful of our experience. Yes, bliss. Because, what is=God. If not bliss, then a sane acceptance.
Also, Barry would be proud of my friend Greg Davis, vis a vis The Chotchky Challenge. Greg's  bday was recently and his gift from Cathy his wife was a pile of dirt! "Best present I've ever gotten!" Greg said. Now there's a man who is salt of the earth! Greg made the best chicken coup I've ever seen, as an example. For those of you not familiar with The Chotchky Challenge, it is Barry's idea for us to get rid of everything, internally and externally, that no longer serves us, that takes up wasteful space in our consciousness. To simplify, to appreciate what we do have, etc. 

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