Sunday, April 20, 2014

Answer to Easter poem below

Ra Divakar answers Easter Poem below: Really like: ...we thought we had to be separate, even alone, but no! Now we know that is not true. We are remembering.
thanks for posting Davida Luminabes

Taripypacha~ the time for remembering who we truly are...

"when we work with our mesa, we remember even back to the time when we fell from the stars, in a rain of light, as our prophecies tell us we did. We remember back to the times when...
Mother Earth sprouted these beings, these bright beings. there are a lot of stories that tell, for example, how we came from the water, so crystal clear, in harmony, living by helping each other, supporting each other. And yet, in that story of our history, part of our path was not to recognize each other. Part of our path was to separate from each other. Why? we needed to know our hearts but we forgot how to see into them. we needed to respect our connections, but we did not. we thought we had to be separate, even alone. but no! Now we know that is not true. We are remembering…" -JOAN PARISI WILCOX , Masters of the Living Energy.

Photo: Taripypacha~ the time for remembering who we truly are... 

"when we work with our mesa, we remember even back to the time when we fell from the stars, in a rain of light, as our prophecies tell us we did. We remember back to the times when Mother Earth sprouted these beings, these bright beings. there are a lot of stories that tell, for example, how we came from the water, so crystal clear, in harmony, living by helping each other, supporting each other. And yet, in that story of our history, part of our path was not to recognize each other. Part of our path was to separate from each other. Why? we needed to know our hearts but we forgot how to see into them. we needed to respect our connections, but we did not. we thought we had to be separate, even alone. but no! Now we know that is not true. We are remembering…" -JOAN PARISI WILCOX , Masters of the Living Energy. 

this morning as i greet the sun and i am filled with this radiance i begin to remember that no matter the human drama in my life i am more ... we are all more than this.. we are seeds of the great LIGHT.. and we are this radiance. 
deepest munay to you all

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