Thursday, April 24, 2014

Allow Your Divine Part help relieve your depression

Thought For the Week: Depression and our Divinity (Rev. Ed Kosak)
Neale Donald Walsch wrote: "There is the Larger Part of You that is eternally connected with the Larger Part of Everything, called God". Put it another way, there is that part of us that is God. Another writer said: there is that of you that is perfect and whole. And remember, it's God as we each understand God to be (Spirit, Creator, Quantum Nature, etc.).
I used to suffer from some pretty bad depression. Had I known the above Truth (it's truth for me, I understand that some may find it weird or blasphemous...but this truth for me is not only grounded in the world's sacred scriptures and science, but personal experience), I am sure it would have helped me with my depression. At the crux of the depression was a sense of not being good enough, and even worse. The idea that there is a part of us that is divine is pretty incredible and would have helped to alleviate the pain. I would not have thought of myself as a loser, or whatever, as much because that feeling would have been challenged by the thought/feeling of my divine nature. How do I know this? Because it helps me now when layers of the depression still creep up. Vipassana meditation helps me deal with the depressed feelings and then I get to the divine part of me and I feel more whole again.
I give thanks for meditation and these principles that we believe in.

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