Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A wondrous mystery - Happy Earth Day! (gratefulness.org)

Dear Ron Alexander,
“The fact that we exist or that anything exists at all is a wondrous mystery”

Ah, to live with this awareness in the foreground of our lives would change everything. Join James Baraz and Patricia Ellsberg as they exuberantly express their gratitude for the wonders all around us and that, in fact, ARE us, in:

Open in Gratitude

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel carries this further by reflecting on how witnessing wonder can change the way we treat the Earth and each other.

Witnessing the Wonder

On Earth Day, April 22, we have an opportunity to join millions of people around the world in celebrating and recommitting ourselves to serving, honoring and protecting our unique and beautiful home planet.

In gratitude for our unfathomably magnificent home, send an Earth Day e-card.

Happy Earth Day!

Explore our Caring for the Earth topic and (if you're in the mood for a treasure hunt) learn about solar roadways, the Positive Futures Network, a wind map
Photo: A wondrous mystery - Happy Earth Day! (gratefulness.org) 

Dear Ron Alexander,
“The fact that we exist or that anything exists at all is a wondrous mystery”

Ah, to live with this awareness in the foreground of our lives would change everything. Join James Baraz and Patricia Ellsberg as they exuberantly express their gratitude for the wonders all around us and that, in fact, ARE us, in:

Open in Gratitude

 Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel carries this further by reflecting on how witnessing wonder can change the way we treat the Earth and each other.

Witnessing the Wonder

 On Earth Day, April 22, we have an opportunity to join millions of people around the world in celebrating and recommitting ourselves to serving, honoring and protecting our unique and beautiful home planet.

 In gratitude for our unfathomably magnificent home, send an Earth Day e-card.

Happy Earth Day!

 Explore our Caring for the Earth topic and (if you're in the mood for a treasure hunt) learn about solar roadways, the Positive Futures Network, a wind map

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