Friday, March 14, 2014

What is the Fruit of One's Life?


Bhagavan: If a person understands that he must conduct himself according to the true principles of life, that itself is the fruit of great tapas (spiritual practice) done in his previous life. Those who do ...not think in this way are merely wasting their time. p. 246

He is a real man who does not let go his hold on the Self-state while he is attending to whatever problems come of their own accord and without desire.

The man who loves the all-supporting God with the understanding that nothing can be achieved by his own actions, and who expects instead that all actions will be performed by God alone, that man is lead every minute by God along the path of Truth.

Everyone is seeing himself everywhere. One is in the same state that God and the world are in.
All are forms of God. Because of our sense of difference we think we are an individual person. There is no greater mistake than this in the world.

Desire is maya. Desirelessness is God.
p 250

Bhagavan: If a person understands that he must conduct himself according to the true principles of life, that itself is the fruit of great tapas (spiritual practice) done in his previous life. Those who do not think in this way are merely wasting their time. p. 246

He is a real man who does not let go his hold on the Self-state while he is attending to whatever problems come of their own accord and without desire.

The man who loves the all-supporting God with the understanding that nothing can be achieved by his own actions, and who expects instead that all actions will be performed by God alone, that man is lead every minute by God along the path of Truth.

Everyone is seeing himself everywhere. One is in the same state that God and the world are in.
All are forms of God. Because of our sense of difference we think we are an individual person. There is no greater mistake than this in the world.

Desire is maya. Desirelessness is God. p 250

- from 'Living by the Words of Bhagavan


 - from 'Living by the Words of Bhagavan


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