Thursday, March 20, 2014

We are All One in Divine Love

Instead of pointing to the Divine as being just 'out in the sky' somewhere, our fingers should be pointing to our hearts. Every time we acknowledge the existence of the Divine just 'outside' of ourselves, we separate whom and what we are from the truth of our inner divinity. God bless anyone who recognizes the Divine in their lives; however, until we see the divinity within it will always be just out of reach. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Dean A. Banks
Photo: Alright, alright, alright... AMEN!
Dean A. Banks @Anatoly: My comment never said that God as being independent from the relative reality. The relative reality is a reflection of the projection of Divine love from the Creator. The Creator can be seen in the Creation in the perceived dualistic reality that is relative. The absolute Divine expresses the relative omniverse in which we perceive separatism, when in fact we are all ONE in Divine love. The PDR is the illusion and the Divine IS ONE. Peace.
    Anatoly Petrenko Mr.Banks I actually like your comment above as it addresses the view of eternalism, to which the picture alludes. I like the implications of your comment on the practical level for our responsibility for transformation. We co-create the life through interaction of inner causes and outer conditions. And this blessing is the result of this transformation — to shed every type of thinking that obscures our true nature (you put it beautifully as Divinity) of love, Compassion, Gratitude, Authenticity and Wisdom.
    I especially appreciate the pointing out part of that statement, that if we think that it is somewhere "up the sky", then it promotes the view that it is not something that we are on purpose to realize in this very life.
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