Monday, March 3, 2014

Unconditional Acceptance

Here I am… in the palm of the hand of my being…
so humbled… looking up to the eyes of my Higher Self…

Two mirrors offering me… the night and the day...
every body that has been…
all the Buddhas... all the Jesus… all the outcasts as well…...

Two gentle mirrors that come into one…
Don’t judge… keep it simple…
One answer…
There is nothing but love…
One gaze looking back at me…

We are One and the Same…
Welcome my beautiful self...

··٠٠••●●♥♥ Amrita Magdala ♥♥●●••٠٠··

(to listen to the song click on the link or the image... the video will be posted on the comment section)
Photo: Here I am… in the palm of the hand of my being…
so humbled… looking up to the eyes of my Higher Self… 

Two mirrors offering me… the night and the day...
every body that has been…
all the Buddhas... all the Jesus… all the outcasts as well…

Two gentle mirrors that come into one… 
Don’t judge… keep it simple…
One answer… 
There is nothing but love… 
One gaze looking back at me…

We are One and the Same…
Welcome my beautiful self...

··٠٠••●●♥♥ Amrita Magdala ♥♥●●••٠٠··

(to listen to the song click on the link or the image... the video will be posted on the comment section)

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