Monday, March 3, 2014

Then fear, limitation fall away

"Fear, it is a thought form. It can be a controlling thought form. Limitation, thinking not enough, again a thought form. And the moment we accept the universe as generous fields of energy potential arising, then that fear, limitation falls away."

- VDY, Masterful Living Wisdom Class
I have to think about this one for awhile, uh, interesting - ...accepting the universe as generous fields of energy potential arising, then that fear, limitation falls away. Brilliant, thanks so much Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo!

Photo: "Fear, it is a thought form.  It can be a controlling thought form.  Limitation, thinking not enough, again a thought form.  And the moment we accept the universe as generous fields of energy potential arising, then that fear, limitation falls away."

- VDY, Masterful Living Wisdom Class

*Join Venerable Dhyani tomorrow- Tues, March 4th @ 6pm PST/9pm EST for her next wisdom class:


If you are unable to attend the class live, you can join these studies at anytime by purchasing the transcripts and mp3s for study and application. 

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Theda Parks I think what is being said is that the Universe gives in abundance.. no matter what we think. So if we think good things, we get lots of good things. If we think fearful things (or lack), you'll get lots of that. Pick one. XOXO

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