Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sail on, Sailor Friend - Life never comes to an end

Photo: Sail on, sailor friend - LIFE never comes to an end!

art by Vladimir Kushhaven

art by Vladimir Kushhaven
For Capt. David
LIFE does not deteriorate or age either! 
Thanks dear Mary Rose Winkler
Blessing candle has been lit for the night. Please hold David, a special Capt. friend of Ron Alexander in your heart of hearts for his passing.

"Openly communicate & share yourself. The greatest gift we can give another person is to be all of who we are." ~ Dick Sutphen, Spiritual Path Guidebook ~

Theda Parks Love this artwork. X)
Kristin Mahoney This is beautiful, Scott's Uncle Bill the kindest and funny and loving Redemptorist Priest, always described entering heaven like a beautiful sailboat coming to port and greeted by all your family and friends

Anatoly Petrenko A lovely poetic perspective and a reminder of on one of the 3 Endless-es.
- This cyclical trip goes on through heavens and hells until the mind is pacified, its nature is realized and all projections are ceased. What many yogis call going beyond. Beyond existence, non-existence, both or neither.
Ron Alexander Thanks Anatoly Petrenko, Tibetan Buddhism has that philosophy about the mind plus Ones that come back intentionally as Bodhisattavas like The Dalai Lama!
Anne Farmer Mcmearty Kristin, so glad you posted this picture. I think it is beautiful. My father just passed, he was a sailor and I all I keep thinking is sail on Sailor.
Kristin Mahoney (((((


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