Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rev. Ed's thought of the week - gossip purgatory!

Thought For the Week
I sometimes struggle with gossip. We all do. It's so tempting! It feels good on some level to do so, yet all this judgmental toxic talking is doing is furthering our feelings of separation.  It is good that we are mindful of the thoughts we hold of others. The Rev. Barry Dennis blessed us big time this past Sunday. At his workshop, he made gossip into an acronym: "gabbing our sacred selves into purgatory". How true. We may think we are talking negatively about another but really it flies back at us and we tear ourselves down. I'm not big on the use of the word purgatory, but it we can interpret it metaphysically: purgatory can be that negative state of being which we put ourselves into.
It's Lent, and for those who practice Lent spiritually, Unity's take on Lent is to fast from negative (purgatory) thinking and yes, to FEAST on the positive! Just do it!

Are you "blaming" judgmental toxic talking? To be honest that sounds worse than unhealthy ego or hurt self?
Waddya think? Rev. Ed
I am blaming toxic thinking - is that not what Buddha says - "You are what you think." Our thinking is something we can correct, our "egos" are a permanent fixtures(though concepts) in our bodies, and we need both to be present! Does not toxic thinking create unbalance in our egos. Isn't that what Vipassana Meditation is really all about - cleaning up our thinking. Doesn't stinking thinking create our somatic difficulties. Also, yesterday, I did not feel heard, as I agree with Rev. Barry KNOWS LOVE is Absolute. Would that not make LOVE an awesome name for God? I enjoy this dialogue, so please don't feel attacked. Also, I think that feeling all alone (separate) leads to many of the problems of the world today.  in the Oneness of Love, ron  

Is the  "ego" is  source of our thinking - "As thy thinketh from the heart, thou art." (paraphrased from the Bible) - Is positive inspiring thinking from our heart? or filtered through the heart? Is toxic stinking thinking from the brain? just asking, ron

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