Thursday, March 20, 2014

Praying and Breathing for Peace

Andy Skadberg: Today I pray to bring peace to the world in the following ways.

To breathe consciously and appreciate the gift of my life, and remember to be grateful. To teach people and help them really learn and believe in Reverence for ...Life. I visualize and take the actions I can to create governments and companies that are responsible for correct actions towards people and the Earth. I visualize and take actions for making technology and the media to be an instrument of Peace and Love providing entertaining, educational, and empowering messages to all people to empower them and bring Peace and harmony to the world. Today I visualize and take the actions to Share with people through my teaching the wonder and glory of the world and the cosmos and how special each person, each flower, each tree and each animal is. Today I visualize and take the actions to assist people to understand that we have made government and business and money and technologies to SERVE us, the people, and that the Spirit of Love guides all of life and our opportunity is NOW to create heaven on Earth - a paradise. Finally, I pray that all people understand how powerful, wonderful, beautiful and spectacular they are in the eyes of their God and the only way to find peace is in their own hearts and act governed by the Golden Law. "Do unto others, as you would have done unto you" - and this means all of Life.

With Peace, Andy
Photo: World - Peace - One


Toni Hayward: Bringing world peace requires a change of consciousness and freedom from corporate rule and extreme religious dogma and belief..I envision such a world.

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