Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Pray, Meditate Without Ceasing

Make your meditation a continuous state of mind. A great worship is going on all the time, so nothing should be neglected or excluded from your constant meditative awareness.
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa(
Great Swan by Lex Hixon
Anatoly Petrenko: I think for practical purposes of sustained experience, it would be helpful to understand what love is. That practice of love is not seeking a stimulus driven sensation that commonly confused as love, but a consistent choice of thinking for other to have happiness.
Try practice it with an animal, stranger or someone with whom you have a solid relationship: replace all negative thinking that you judge about them with genuine wish for them to have genuine happiness. It will force your mind to give up greed, to give up jealousy and be filled with love - your consciousness! Intelligent selfishness.

Miriam StJohn  Miriam wrote: "Good idea, Ra Divakar. Life is so much about "practice." The "practice of love." I like that phrase."
Ron Alexander Have a good morning, have a good day, have a good week, have a Loving LIFE!
Jessica L. Rueger Love this!
Ron Alexander Isn't this what you teach Jessica L. Rueger?

Ra Divakar Hot Potato Post - Godda Share!


James Himm Mitchell Thanks, Ron! Perfect message at the perfect time!

Jude Genova awesome i love this!

Lisa Michelle Porter Right on time<3 span="">

Janice Stenger Very very moving. May I live in this sacred manner that you speak of. Namaste.
Arthena Aradhana I am working on it. I may have found a way! Or rather it was given to me.


Effie Aghili Merci my beautiful and wise friend dear Ron for this soulful reminder

Vera Iocco · Friends with Eric Gibson and 56 others

Jeannette Jeannie Malbrough Thank you Ron much love and light to you Namaste

Gisele Fahrbach beautiful!!!

Judy Johnson Elliott ·
Love this! I have stopped letting others bother my peace. Thanks for sharing .

Mary Rose Winkler Wonderful reminder, thank you Ron, beautiful
Evelyn Leonard Wright very wise words!!! and much needed for me right now! Thank you, Ron!!!
Shahada Hussain-Allie · Friends with Effie Aghili
Beautiful And Inspiring

Ca Jones · Friends with Effie Aghili



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