Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nothing to fear...(then why do so many want guns?)

Photo: Nothing to be feared...


  • Ra Divakar I am trying to understand why people think they need a gun, when they are not hunters?
  • Ron Alexander Obviously they are fearful, though I don't believe in going to where fear is, so I don't have a gun!
    Theda Parks I have a permit to carry, and really enjoy target shooting. Don't hunt at all, but I'm a good shot. Our media does not include statistics when it prints stories of shootings, and I certainly don't condone gun violence of any kind. People should be required to take gun safety classes.. and this is really important if they have children. As far as criminals or terrorists, they will always find something to harm another. 9-11 did not involve guns. Some common sense needs to be in the equation.. even for those who support gun ownership.. and I'm a life member of the NRA. Fear doesn't work for anyone.

  • Ron Alexander All the school shootings...guns!
  • Ron Alexander I am blessed to have a Mother who had my Father dismantle and lock up gun he brought back from WW11. I gave it up to the police. I do understand hunting though, as I was an underwater hunter with an Hawiian Sling(sort of like a combo sling shot and bow and arrow). And it was satisfying to provide meat to the table, yet after my yoga teacher training, I even gave that up...
  • Theda Parks School shootings.. yes... and why? Because someone in the family hasn't locked them up.. or.. they buy them because there isn't any background check. Unfortunately.. in the case of mentally ill folks or people with no criminal record, there is no way to know who they are. I like target shooting, but even without children around, the equipment is locked up and out of sight.
     Pamela Arrington: Fear of things that will never happen. The sense of false security having guns gives these people. The ability to instill fear and gain a sense of power over someone who does not have a gun. To overcome an inability to communicate verbally and compromise on disagreements. The need to be contrary if there is an indication that someone else wishes you not to have a gun. Let's not even start on the Freudian possibilities concerning reproductive organs. What a failing of our society when we place weapons of destruction in higher regard than instruments of peace are.

Ron Alexander: Spiritual recovery - LOVE IS LETTING GO OF FEAR! Pamela Arrington, Ra Divakar, Mary Rose Winkler, Toni Hayward and Dr. Dean A. Banks! LOVE is my Name for God! And is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipresent (everywhere inside and out). And I think is the Source and Energy of the Universe!

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