Thursday, March 20, 2014

Love is transforming my life today

Right now I feel a flow of Energy, Light, and Love filling my entire being. I KNOW I am one with an infinite Presence that fills my life with peace, harmony and joy. I let go of all negative beliefs and affirm that Love is transforming my life today. Ernest Holmes
The God of love and peace shall be with you.---IICorinthians13:11
Ron Alexander I KNOW I am one with an infinite Presence
Buffy Per Sempre Beautiful Ron♡
Ron Alexander This is my good night post - sweet dreams!

Mountain Dove So true and beautiful...


Vilma D. López Yes... LoVe !!! So so beautiful... ♡

Rodolfos Eleftheriadis LOVE UNITES IN ONE!!!

Ra Divakar YES, POWER of ONE LOVE1

Jeannie Mitchell Bless you dear 

Susan Boles Ahhhhha! Love you all.

Vedvyas Malik ·
Very noble spiritual thought. The whole universe is holy and all holiness is love .

Cheryl Lynn beautiful ... thank you ... sending love right back at ya ... have a fabulous friday

Effie Aghili Such a beautiful and blissful affirmation

Daniela Von Känel Spaniol ·

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