Saturday, March 1, 2014

Loss CAN make artists of us...

Loss makes artists of us all as we weave new patterns in the fabric of our lives.
Greta W. Crosby(
Loss can also debilitate, it can make you want to withdraw from life. What is the Power that turn grief into artistic expression? First of all this Power is Invisible. Secondly this Power is everywhere, right here right now all around us and WITHIN!  Loss/grief that has made us fell powerless CAN be overcome through the conscious use of this Power. A direct experience of Spirit/Power is necessary. Through prayer and meditation, we CAN sense the immediate presence of Life/Power. With simplicity and directness, we can sense Spirit/God/Love POWER!
 Affirm: I rely on my Inner Power to work with me in creating the kind of life I deeply desire. I know that within myself I can find the guidance I see and the strength I need. With Love in my heart, knowing I am unbound and unlimited, I accept myself as a happy, healthy, strong, and successful person right here and now. (paraphrased from Ernest Holmes)

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