Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Intuition - yes however don't get it mixed up with instinct

 Where does the sixth sense come from? In Greek, the word psychic means "of the soul." When we use our intuition, our psychic sense, we are tuning into the energy of the soul.
Photo: Where does the sixth sense come from? In Greek, the word psychic means "of the soul." When we use our intuition, our psychic sense, we are tuning into the energy of the soul. 
 Warning, don't get it mixed up with your "gut feelings", your instinct as that is based on survival - we need it too but completely different - one is from the "gut or snake brain" and the other is from the Soul/He...art! I have seen many friend confuse the two! "Oh, I stay away from him, he's creepy!" That is gut feeling/instinct! "Oh, I don't particularly like him, but I feel like I can learn something from him." That is intuition. In other words, if it comes from fear, it is not intuition, it is instinct.
Mary Rose Winkler: I never heard that before Ron, I always thought the gut WAS the intuition... your saying here the gut is the "fight or flight" syndrome.. so what your saying is the "physical feeling" is the ego and the joyful feeling is the heart/soul/love? I LOVE IT brother and YOU
Ron Alexander: Yes! thanks for reframing in your words. I have had so many "psychic" friends who do not know that distinction, and can hurt when their intention it to help. My former partner was like that and was unsuccessful, as she thought she was sharing the "truth". Well, that lead to her not have many clients obviously and was part of the reason we broke up, as I don't know if she really understood the difference!

1Ron Alexander And the "joyful" feeling can be manifested physically also - it is the thoughts that are more indicative! Thanks Mary Rose Winkler!


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