Thursday, March 6, 2014

Buddhism is not a religion to me

The Buddha did not base his ideas on faith but on empirical (self) observation, which makes him more of a scientist than a theologist. Though I practice a Buddhist type of meditation, I consider myself a Christian (mystical - belief that God is everywhere especially within - type as found in Unity and Science of Mind). Mysticism to me is where spirituality bridges any religion - Sufism from Muslim, Kabbala from Judaism, as well as Unity and Science of Mind from Christianity. I consider what I know about Buddhism to a type of Mystical Psychology, which is most helpful in daily life.

Photo: More Dalai Lama Wisdom:


Ron Alexander: I rather say to above "Don't NECESSARILY use Buddhism to become a Buddhist."
"The Dalai Lama says that 'if science proves some belief of Buddhism wrong, than Buddhism will have to change.'"
Richard Kent Matthews Wish Christians were that open and wise.
Would that Christians could be so open and wise.... Guru Da
  • You and Lindsey DeGree like this.
    Lindsey DeGree Interesting. For me Buddhism is not a belief it is a practice...Practice is a action, not something you just sit back and believe in. You cant have one without the others.
  • Lindsey DeGree Christianity for some is not an action but only a belief
  • Ra Divakar I doubt if Jesus or Buddha expected religions formed after their sayings and actions?
  • Lindsey DeGree Didn't Buddha say he didn't want people to worship him but to only use his teaching to benefit themselves, or something like that?
  • Ra Divakar Also, Buddha based his "philosophy/psychology" on his own observations while sitting under the Bodhi Tree. Scientific - empiricism rather than based on faith!
    Ra Divakar Yes, Buddha said "don't believe anything unless you have experienced of if it makes good sense to you?" or something like that!

Differences between religions, spirituality - Kristin Nails it!
 Kristin Mahoney: it is all semantics to me religion, observation, spirituality all man's ways to try to use word's to describe what we feel in our "hearts" "souls" "beings" ~ to name what is felt ~ that knowing inside that ultimately binds us in Goodness, Truth, The Light Love.

Absolutely, the Way is in the heart!

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