Sunday, March 2, 2014


To all the Young Adults I worked with and my dear 21 year old Brother killed in Vietnam in 1969 as he was trying to rescue other soldiers in his Medi-Vac Helicopter!
Blessing candle has been lit for the night. Please hold Josh Copus in your heart as this is the first year of his "Angelversary". He is the son of Maggie Copus and left this earth 1 year ago today at the tender age of 19.

For all of you ...parents who have lost children, here is a poem from Josh to his mother Maggie. May you all be blessed and know that your loved always

"Here's a very special unique flower for you mom. I'm right here with you. I know its hard. Reach for my hand Mom. I want to help you help others. This is where our passion lies. You can do this Mom. You aren't Alone I promise. Please stand up Mom. Carry on and make us proud. Go get and live a full life of happiness. Remember my favorite quote. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow may never come. Live it likes its your last chance. Are you ready Mom? Take my hand please. I LOVE YOU MOM." ~ Josh Copus ~
Photo: Blessing candle has been lit for the night.  Please hold Josh Copus in your heart as this is the first year of his "Angelversary".  He is the son of Maggie Copus and left this earth 1 year ago today at the tender age of 19.

For all of you parents who have lost children, here is a poem from Josh to his mother Maggie.  May you all be blessed and know that your loved always <3

"Here's a very special unique flower for you mom. I'm right here with you. I know its hard. Reach for my hand Mom.  I want to help you help others. This is where our passion lies.  You can do this Mom. You aren't Alone I promise. Please stand up Mom. Carry on and make us proud. Go get and live a full life of happiness. Remember my favorite quote. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow may never come. Live it likes its your last chance. Are you ready Mom? Take my hand please. I LOVE YOU MOM." ~ Josh Copus ~

*Love you Maggie & I will see you soon*

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