Saturday, March 22, 2014

Advice from Mary Rose Winkler

thanks Mary Rose, sounds like good advice to me!
Energies seems to be very sporadic and powerful lately & this will continue throughtout the month of April. For all those feeling like they don't belong AND for all those who feel like their the worlds punching bag right now as people go o...ff on them... here's some suggestions...

Stay centered, grounded, walk away and count to 10, think of someone you admire who handled the situation in a calm and loving way and move THROUGH the energy, don't avoid it, don't try to eradicate it, don't judge it and whatever you do, DO NOT analyze it, it will be futile and you will be wasting your time... here is too peaceful days filled with grace, goodness and gratitude for us all. Hugs, Mary
Photo: Energies seems to be very sporadic and powerful lately & this will continue throughtout the month of April.  For all those feeling like they don't belong AND for all those who feel like their the worlds punching bag right now as people go off on them... here's some suggestions...

Stay centered, grounded, walk away and count to 10, think of someone you admire who handled the situation in a calm and loving way and move THROUGH the energy, don't avoid it, don't try to eradicate it,  don't judge it and whatever you do, DO NOT analyze it, it will be futile and you will be wasting your time... here is too peaceful days filled with grace, goodness and gratitude for us all.  Hugs, Mary <3


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