Friday, February 21, 2014

We Are Never Alone

People gain so much hope when they know they are not experiencing something alone.
Joyce Rupp(
Alive Now, pg. 35

We have the Indwelling Spirit
The perception of Reality is always the inner perception. Jesus taught us that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. The Truth is that which is: it exists at the very center of our Being. To pray in spirit and in truth means to recognize this indwelling Spirit and to declare the truth about its activity through us. Today I directly experience the reality of Spirit allowing it to renew my minds. guide my decisions, and direct my affairs. I know that in the eternal act of creation, everything passes from the Invisible to the visible to be temporarily experienced. I rest in peace, assured that my needs are met by this play of Life upon Itself. Ernest Holmes

Friday, Feb. 21

People gain so much hope when they know they are not experiencing something alone.

Joyce Rupp
Alive Now, pg. 35
(e-card Artist: Levin Sonderegger, age 9, Switzerland)
Be Still, and know that I am God. --Psalm 46:10

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