Friday, February 21, 2014

Water - Medicine?

Interesting this came up, as I talked to a man who had just retired from "making drinking water". I asked him how he prepared it- "deionization or...". He replied - "just like your city prepares it - natural filtration, oxygenation..." he said smirkingly. In other words, his company just used the faucet, like so many "drinking water" companies do - like Coca Cola admitted with their "Dakini" or something like that. Don't spend your money on companies like that - might as well use your own faucet. I filter mine from the faucet. Make sure your water is "medicine"!
"The water is our shared experience and we together bring it to the surface and we share this precious resource with one another. We imbue it with our songs of appreciation. Thus, the water becomes medicine."

- VDY, Masterful Living Wisdom Class
Photo: "The water is our shared experience and we together bring it to the surface and we share this precious resource with one another.  We imbue it with our songs of appreciation. Thus, the water becomes medicine."

- VDY, Masterful Living Wisdom Class

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