Saturday, February 1, 2014

Struggle belongs to the old order

All things are made of Spirit, and we must know that the Spirit not only can manifest through us, but that It wishes to do so. Struggle belongs to the old order, in the new order peace takes the place of confusion, faith answers the cry of doubt and fear, and the Spirit is supreme. Ernest Holmes
Photo: "All things are made of Spirit, and we must know that the Spirit not only can manifest through us, but that It wishes to do so. Struggle belongs to the old order, in the new order peace takes the place of confusion, faith answers the cry of doubt and fear, and the Spirit is supreme." ~ Ernest Holmes ~  Thank you Ron Alexander
Mary Rose Winkler added this splendid image!

Richard Kent Matthews I looked around and noticed I'm attached to everything. But all that will end...when I die. haaaaa
Ron Alexander Rev. Richard Kent Matthews, you must be an extraordinarily large man to have all those attachments lol?
Richard Kent Matthews Large in spirit and grateful to be in the physical world.


Ron Alexander Excellent Rev. Richard Kent Matthews - that is what I was really thinking about but could not put into words "LARGE IN SPIRIT" and like "grateful to be in physical world!

Richard Kent Matthews I hear and read so many people who are apparently not happy with being 'trapped' in the human experience. That includes the so called 'higher minded' types who think the mountain top is the only destination. In fact, here in the valley is where all the good things are happening, the things that heighten the worldly journey, the pain, the joy, the anguish and the ecstasy. As the saying goes, Enjoy yourself now, for you're a long time dead! Hear, hear

Ron Alexander Preach Rev. Richard Kent Matthews - best sermon I have heard in a while! The Valley of the Light of Life here and now!

Richard Kent Matthews Some of us forget that the shaggy dog called Here and Now has as much purpose, as much spirit, and as much validity as any hereafter could ever have. In fact, there is no hereafter. It is all taking place right now, in this moment, the only moment that has ever existed. This is the day. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!! How's that??
Ra Divakar Yes, we cannot be in the moment without our body and and our poor demonized "ego"!

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