Monday, February 24, 2014

Juicing despite not feeling like it...

Gathered my energy enough to go out and get some juicing vegies. Drinking glassful now - yummi with extra ginger to clear out those sinuses. I make a gallon, freezing it after getting first glass. Carrots, Aloe Vera, Broccoli, Ginger, Cocon...ut Water, Kale, and spirulina. Most pharmacies have the pure aloe vera - gallon for $7! the container from last time that I use for freezing. I can feel myself getting healthier by the minute!
Photo: Gathered my energy enough to go out and get some juicing vegies. Drinking glassful now - yummi with extra ginger to clear out those sinuses. I make a gallon, freezing it after getting first glass. Carrots, Aloe Vera, Broccoli, Ginger, Coconut Water, Kale, and spirulina. Most pharmacies have the pure aloe vera - gallon for $7! the container from last time that I use for freezing. I can feel myself getting healthier by the minute!
Beata Maria Hi Ron! Yum!! I heard that they lose lot of vitamins after refrigeration. I see that you freeze them - does that preserve the vitamins? If so - that's brilliant!! Greetings to you, my friend!
Ron Alexander Yes, Beata Maria, the quick freezing preserves the vitamins, and I take it out of the freezer tomorrow and it stays partially frozen till the last day - delicious!
Beata Maria Thanks for the healthy tip! 

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