Monday, February 24, 2014

Great reminder and "The Rich need love too"!


Here is one of my fav. Mother Teresa stories, and I know it is true because a friend of mine was friend of a friend of the journalist involved.  This journalist went to her orphanage in Kalkuta and found a baby on the steps, so she took the baby in and the nuns in there were so happy to see the new baby and just started pouring love into her. Impressed, she watched them as she waited on Mother Teresa. When she was finally invited in to the little bent woman's office, she was  greeted very warmly and thanked for bringing the new baby in. When she started interviewing her, this very well-dressed high class Indian Couple barged in. The woman with silk robes and lots of jewelry came in and threw her expensive coat at the journalist treating her like lower cast. Then she roughly grabbed Mother Teresa (looked like she hurt her) and got her between she and her husband. The outraged journalist was told to get a camera out of her expensive purse and start taking photos. Which she did unwillingly, but this woman, was such a force of nature, that there was no arguing with her. They left about as abruptly as they came, and the outraged journalist started complaining about their behavior to Mother Teresa. She would have none of it, and said "the rich need love too." 


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