Saturday, February 8, 2014

Commit to Letting Go Fear and Allowing Love and Peace

The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too.
W.H. Murray(
"The Scottish Himalayan Expedition"
Well no more mountain climbing or other physical dares for me, I commit to letting go and allowing Love. Love is the Divine within me and knows no fear, therefore, allowing Love is also committing to Peace.    Ron Alexander

Photo: Commit to Letting Go and Allowing Love and Peace 

The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too. 

W.H. Murray(
"The Scottish Himalayan Expedition"

Well no more mountain climbing or other physical dares for me, I commit to letting go and allowing Love. Love is the Divine within me and knows no fear, therefore, allowing Love is also committing to Peace.    Ron Alexander
I let go of anxiety (fear) producing thought and allow loving and peaceful thoughts with the help of meditation, prayer and mindful actions!

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