Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Breathing Easy Again

Combo of sleep apnea and a bad cold is a toxic one. Even with C-pap mask (forced air) your nostrils have to be open. So antihistamines are necessary, however regular ones leave me really tired and foggy. I quickly got a homeopathic one at start of cold, but it did not work. Finally, after 4 rough days, I found a homeopathic one that does work - Sinusalia. Also, I have a natural sinus care spray called Xlear which also really helps. I feels so good to have my normal breath back! And I will be able to sleep normally again! Life is good!

Evelyn Leonard Wright I will try that, Ron!
Robyn Summers-Shelley Healing prayers and luv from Oz. A friend of mine has a sleep apnea monitor at the moment, looks uncomfortable lol.

    Ron Alexander Yes, very happy Evelyn Leonard Wright, Robyn Summers-Shelley and Ajike Williams that it worked overnight and sinuses are still open Yea! I am so grateful! Thanks for your inspirational support! AND I DO NOT HAVE THAT AWFUL BENEDRYL HANGOVER!

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