Monday, January 20, 2014

Who Are You?

thanks for your wisdom Subodh Kumar Misra!
“Who are you?” one might ask. “Well, I am the son of so and so, I am a doctor, businessman, I am Indian or British, Buddhist or Catholic, etc. etc.” may be the probable answers. We are nobody by ourselves. We cannot define ourselves without... relating to something ‘other’ which is an artificial encrustations under which we are disguised. And the question again remains the same –“Who are you?” In fact, it is a flight from the alone to the Alone. The ‘Alone’ is the Absolute. We cannot carry our burden of artificial labels with us to the threshold of Divinity. We have to prove ourselves bare sacred before the pure fire of Spirit. If you acquiesce in this emptiness, it ensures moral strength, as well as the power of will, understanding and feeling. “Empty thyself and I shall fill thee.” said Jesus Christ. ................Om Shanti!

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