Sunday, January 12, 2014

Unearthing Our LImiting Patterns

Ron, know you have been going through the 12 steps, though in a metaphysical way, and feel like this will alleviate some of those "demons from the past"?
You can thank Will Melies and Toko-pa(love his name, Ra)
"Sometimes we are plummeted into our darkest depths precisely because we have elevated our ceilings on Love. Our demons appear most ferociously when they feel threatened by a new attitude - right before they retire like an old dog by the fire. This work is what I call Dreamwalking - digging into our own substrate to unearth our limiting patterns and, in releasing them, revealing a greater capacity for belonging and joy." - Dreamwork with Toko-pa

Artwork by Lucy Pierce (

To learn more about Dreamwalking, here's a link to Toko-pa's mailing list:
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