Saturday, January 11, 2014

Treat the 'Ego" like a little child

When ego rules only ignorance, misery, suffering and death follow. When we allow the Spirit of God to guide us we live in knowledge, joy, health and contribution to life! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.


    Patricia Cook-mcdermott Animals suffer from depression too...but alot of Humans fail to see that
    Brenda Revet I saw a posting yesterday that asked " if you could remove one thing from this world what would it be?" I had many thoughts... no definite answer until now. Ego... Thanks
    Patricia Cook-mcdermott I would say evil Humans...they're what makes the World bad.
    Marie Corry Get that animal speaker over to him, I be he's got a sad tale to tell.
  • Dean A. Banks Animals are not with us for our entertainment, our hunger or our feelings of superiority; they are here to teach us love. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
  • Brenda Revet If EGO was removed and never exisited Then there would be no evil humans.... greed.. hate...selfishness... poverty.. . and the list goes on
Dean A. Banks True, however, ego has its purpose and its place. As long as you balance the needs of the many with your own needs, your ego will fulfill an integrative agenda more than a selfish one.
    Ra Divakar Ah, the poor demonized ego, it just wants us to be safe. Think of it as an inner child - a child that you have to be very aware of --- for like any child it needs boundaries, tough love but mainly sweet loving care!
  • Ra Divakar Hey, Dean, the Johnson fellow, you quoted, who wrote about the ego needing space and boundaries recently had it down, he just needed to add to treat it like an inner child.

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