Friday, January 10, 2014

Today Nothing Emanates from my Consciousness other than that which will bless and heal

Realizing that the universe has bestowed upon me the Divine right to be affected by my own act, today I guard all of my thoughts, seeing to it that nothing emanates from my consciousness other that that which will bless and heal. If nothing goes forth from me that can hurt, then nothing can return to me that can harm. The knowledge of this truth makes me wise. The consciousness of good at the center of my being is my sanctuary. Faith in the justice of the universe is my altar. Upon this altar I lay my offering of peace, of joy and of prosperity for the whole world.   Ernest Holmes

Ra Divakar You must have gotten up on the right side of the bed lol!
  • Linda's Light Amen to that!
  • Cheryl Lynn beautiful
  • Mary Rose Winkler Spectacular, I love it, thanks Ron Alexander
    Gerry Spencer Ron were you at the Center of attitudinal Healing in 1988
  • Ron Alexander thanks so much Ra, Linda's Light, Cheryl Lynn, Mary Rose Winkler. I love y'all!
    Gerry Spencer, why yes, I was founder and director of Young Adult division at the CAH then! Best "Job" I ever Had! Were you a member then?
    Ron Alexander I have the best day after writing(typing Ernest Holmes words) that this morning, even my banker identified with me and gave me very good contact! I carried the writing around with me all day and had a gorgeous sail with Veterans on Deck this afternoon!

  • Mary Rose Winkler Yes, think it, feel it, believe it and manifest it, I LOVE it
    Healing Insights wrote: "Loved it Ron ;) I am so honored to know you... was just reading about you creating the youth group at the Center for Attitudinal Healing... I appreciate your wisdom and sharing with us, thank you so much Ron Alexander , Blessings, Mary"


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