Thursday, January 23, 2014

This weekly horoscope has proven true so far - Tricky Gifts

Free Will Astrology by Bob Brezsny

Libra: Whatever adventures may flow your way in the coming weeks, Libra. I hope you will appreciate them for what they are: unruly but basically benevolent, disruptive in ways that catalyze welcome transformations, a bit more exciting that you might like but ultimately pretty fun. Can you thrive on the paradoxes? Can you delight in the unpredictability? I think so. When you look back at these plot twists two months from now, I'll bet you'll see them as entertaining storylines that enhance the myth of your hero's journey. You'll understand them as tricky gifts that have taught you valuable secrets about your soul's code.
Ra Divakar's photo.

One of these tricky gifts started today, when I was driving to work on a workshop, I am creating behind a friend's house. All of a sudden my engine drove past me. It was the diesel engine taken out of my boat yesterday and placed in back of the mechanic's truck. He told me that he was taking it to his house yesterday afternoon, about an hour and a half the other way. I followed him into his other job as a mechanic, and he told me that it was too late to get it out of his truck with no help. I offered that he put it in my new workplace, but he said he had rather have it where there are all his tools. Upon working on my creation a half-hour later, I decided if it was going to be in the back of his truck - he had it very well braced, but open to the weather, I wanted to put a tarp on it. So I called him and he agreed that I could stop by and do that. When I was there tying it down on top of the engine - an ungainly shape, he sent word out that, he was going to take the tarp off so he would not get pulled over with a tarp flying all over the place. I told him that I was a sailor and could tie a tarp down so it would not fly off - face to face. He muttered something about leaving it there (at that place of employment, and I thought to myself, I don't care as long as it is protected from the weather and thieves. Anyway, some crazy and I  hope "tricky gifts."

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