Thursday, January 9, 2014

Peace Now!

I was having an anxiety-filled weekend, when I found my bank account had been emptied. Friday, I paid my rent and deposited more than enough money in bank to cover it. I was shocked Saturday morning, when I found I could not even get into my account. I attempted to call the 800 number, and when finally getting through the robot, I heard that there was no customer service agent available. I talked to a lots of friends, with some willing to lend me money, however I really thought it was a "banking error" or I was a victim of someone getting my account number online, as I found out I was one of the millions of victims of this state's treasury being hacked. With my mind racing, I could not meditate,also I was doing my inventory in the metaphysical 12 steps presented by Ester Nicholson, so I went back and read Tolle's POWER OF NOW!
Here is summary of book:  "This book makes me aware that every moment of my life is a miracle. Tolle is able to do what all the great masters have done: to show us, in simple and clear language, that the way, the truth, and the light is within us. A state of enlightenment is attainable, here and now. It is possible to live free of suffering, free of anxiety of and neurosis. To do this, we have to come to know our own mind causes our problems, not other people, not the world out there. It is our own mind with its constant stream of thoughts, thinking about the past, worrying about the future. He makes the great mistake of identifying with our mind, thinking that's who we are, when in fact we are far greater Beings.
Being is the eternal, ever present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life, that are subject to life and death.  However Being is not only beyond, but also deep within in every form as it's innermost, invisible Essence. This means that it is accessible to you now as your own deepest self, your true nature. But don't ask to grasp it with your mind. Don't try to understand it. You can know it only when the mind is still, when you are present intensely in the Now. To gain awareness of Being, and to abide in that state of "feeling" realization is enlightenment." Marc Allen
Tolle's writing has really reminded me(Ron) of the importance of the "felt" oneness with Being. This helped me (along with gratitude) to get out of my mind (thoughts) - "directing focus of attention into the Now. Become intensely conscious of the present moment(watching the sensation in your body-my words). Tolle says the essence of meditation is to be highly silent and aware but not thinking.
Well, I have a difficult time getting to the "not thinking", mindless state, however with the help of watching my breath and and sensations of my body, I come to realize the transient nature of reality - THIS TOO SHALL PASS.  Thank you Being and Eckhart!
Ra Divakar Good work Bro!
    Evelyn Leonard Wright Excellent, Ron!
    Susan Boles PWell done Ron!
    Ron Alexander Thanks for reading this rather long post Ra, Evelyn Leonard Wright, and Susan Boles!

  • Ron Alexander's photo.
  • Photo: Be Anxious for Nothing -
  • Ron Alexander Yep, good one for me! and especially like "...with thanksgiving

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