Thursday, January 30, 2014

Great Inspiration by someone who quit drinking 30 years ago

Great inspiration, several vets I work with have a drinking problem, so I will share with them, thanks Bunni!
On January 29th, 1984 Vicki Sterling and I cleaned my house awaiting the return of Ken Lennon from Hawaii. I was drinking Grapefruit juice and vodka in my usual manner of having one drink which was to pour one good Vodka & Grapefruit and then keep adding vodka (sometimes with another drop or two of grapefruit) until the bottle was gone. Unlike other nights I knew I had to stop and I was going to a...ttend a meeting with Ken when he got home the next day. It was one of about nine hundred - or thousand - times I said I was going to stop drinking, the only difference being that that particular drink on that particular night 30 years ago was my last drink.

If you need to do it, don't quit quitting. You never know which time it will actually work. Thank you my peeps, you all help me have a great life!!
Mary Jones Be careful about going cold turkey...have seen patients go into seizures, then comas. Serious alcoholics should consult medical professionals before withdrawing cold turkey on their own.

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